Tutoring for Year 4 Students

Our Year 4 tutoring course is based in Rochester, Kent and is a three-week rotation between writing, concentration on SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar), maths, comprehension and verbal reasoning.

Our course has been structured to support students looking to take the 11+ test and those wanting to boost their studies.

maths tutor rochester kent

Year 4 Course Breakdown

During this section of the course, students will develop their syntax, spelling, punctuation and build a rich vocabulary. They will strengthen narrative skills in structuring plot, creating characters and constructing settings. Students will also work on planning and proofreading skills.

Writing and SPaG

The course will focus and enhance skills in number, geometry, and statistics. Students will be encouraged to develop their mental arithmetic and skills in problem solving. Our aim is to create a confident foundation in mathematics that enables students to progress with ease.


Reading and comprehension skills are crucial to attainment. In these sessions, students are encouraged to develop positive attitudes to reading and their understanding of the texts. Students will be using dictionaries in their exploration of words as they grow their ability to reason using words.

Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning

Year 4 class times:

Tuesdays - 5pm

Thursdays - 4pm

Saturdays - 9am

Duration: 1 hour

Price: £20 per hour + First Lesson (during term time) is FREE!

“That’s the reason they’re called lessons... because they lessen from day to day”

- Lewis Carroll