Our year 6 tutoring course is a three-week rotation between writing and grammar, maths, and reading comprehension. The sessions cover requirements for the year 6 SATs and also prepares students for their progression to secondary school.
Tutoring for Year 6 Students
Year 6 Course Breakdown
The writing and grammar part of the course is balanced between technical skills and creativity. Students will develop their independence as writers, strengthening techniques that make their writing cohesive and enjoyable.
Writing and Grammar
Building on year 5, students progress to more complex work in number, ratio and proportion, algebra, geometry, and statistics. The lessons develop mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
By studying a wide variety of texts, students will be encouraged to sharpen their fact retrieval, inference, and prediction skills. Evaluate how an author uses language and figurative techniques and their impact on the reader and provide justification for their views.
Reading Comprehension

Year 6 class times:
Thursdays - 4pm
Duration: 1 hour
Price: £20 an hour + First lesson (during term time) is FREE!