year 5 maths tutor rochester medway kent

This course is a three-week rotation between writing, maths and reasoning. This course covers all requirements for the Medway and Kent 11+ tests.

Tutoring for Year 5 Students

english tutor rochester kent

Year 5 Course Breakdown

During this section of the course, students will be taught about various styles and genres of writing and the requirements needed to answer a task at length. Spelling, punctuation, grammar (SPaG) and vocabulary building are technical skills that will be honed alongside creative skills: imagination and literary devices.

Extended Writing

The course will focus and enhance skills in number, measurement, geometry, ratio and proportion, algebra, and statistics. Once topics are grasped, students will progress to applying their knowledge to the unfamiliar to strengthen problem solving capabilities and proficiency in understanding mathematical ideas.


Spatial, Non-Verbal and Verbal Reasoning

This part of the course will alternate between non/spatial and verbal reasoning.

Non-verbal and spatial reasoning: Sudents will develop their ability to analyse problems using visual information (diagrams and shapes) by working on logic, spatial awareness, identifying patterns and rules, and geometry.

Verbal Reasoning: Students work on understanding and reasoning to develop their analysis of written information. Through comprehension, cloze, vocabulary activities and the twenty-one standard GL verbal question types, students work on problem solving with words and language.

Strong reasoning skills are an indicator of abstract thinking, creativity and ability to solve complex problems.

Year 5 class times:

Tuesdays - 4pm

Thursdays - 5pm

Saturday - 10am, 11am and 12 noon.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: £20 an hour + First Lesson (during term time) is FREE!

“That’s the reason they’re called lessons... because they lessen from day to day”

- Lewis Carroll